FCA's Sacha Sadan: SDR will help bring 'trust and integrity' back to the sector

Amundi conference

Cristian Angeloni
clock • 3 min read

Sacha Sadan, the Financial Conduct Authority’s director of ESG, has said the implementation of the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) labels from July will help get “trust and integrity” back to the financial services sector.

Speaking at Amundi's ‘Responsible Investment Live' conference on Tuesday (30 April), he noted that while 79% of consumers would like their money to have a positive impact on the environment or society, there is a general confusion over the terminology used. In the process of drafting SDR, the regulator introduced a label called ‘course to transition'. However, he said that when it was put to consumers, they found this terminology confusing as it failed to explain what ‘transition' meant or what it entailed. The FCA eventually opted for the current label Sustainability Improvers, as co...

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