Key points
- Having the flexibility to shift duration within a wide latitude enables us to be dynamic and to adapt quickly to different market environments, such as rising rates.
- To uncover the best opportunities for our clients, our country selection is supported by our global research platform, covering both developed markets and emerging markets.
- Since inception, our duration views, country selection, and yield curve positioning have been the largest positive contributors to performance.
Among absolute return funds, we believe that the Dynamic Global Bond Strategy stands out as it seeks to provide not only regular returns in different environments but also diversification from risk markets. That means that during periods of volatility, when risky assets such as equities sell off, we strive to be a performance anchor. To help achieve this, we have a high‑quality bias—investing a large portion of our portfolio in high‑quality government bond markets where liquidity is typically better. But it's not just a case of being long sovereign bond duration at all times as that simply won't work when interest rates are rising like they did in the first half of this year. That's why we manage duration actively and within a wide latitude—an approach that enables us to adapt to changing market conditions. This has been critical in 2022, so far, and we believe it will continue to be, given the likelihood that volatility persists as fixed income markets enter a new market regime without the liquidity support of central banks.
Flexibility Around Duration Management
We manage duration dynamically and within a wide latitude, implementing both long and short duration positions. This gives us the flexibility to adapt to different market cycles and environments, including when rates are rising. For example, when interest rates are rising, we could move to quickly cut the portfolio's overall duration (as low as minus one year) to minimize potential losses. By contrast, when rates are falling, we can increase overall duration to as high as six years to maximize possible gains.
This post was funded by T. Rowe Price
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