IW's 25th anniversary: How have key sectors grown in the past 25 years?

A whistle-stop review of the main industry events

Investment Week
clock • 1 min read

Over the past 25 years, there has been no shortage of political, economic and regulatory events that have shaped the investment landscape: the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, landmark regulatory changes such as the Retail Distribution Review and MiFID II, China's ongoing shift to a services-led economy and the growth of passive investing, to name just a few.

We looked at how the cumulative AUMS of ten of the most popular equity and fixed income sectors in the Investment Association universe have grown since 1994. As can be seen in the film, the IA North American Smaller Companies sector dwarfed its UK All Companies, UK Smaller Companies, and Europe ex UK counterparts in 1994. The IA Emerging Markets sector did not even begin to gather assets until 1997. Fast forward to 2019, and the IA North American Smaller Companies sector continued to garner assets at the fastest pace, having grown in size by 1,165% over the past quarter of a centur...

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