Despite the prospect of a triple-dip recession and yearly rises in tax on alcohol, the British are still taking to the pub in droves. Annabelle Williams looks at an alternative way to invest in the sector.
Neptune manager Mark Martin is backing niche medical companies to outperform the UK's mid-cap sector this year.
Investors searching for income have piled in to Europe's stash of dividend paying stocks over the past few years.
Redmayne-Bentley has snapped up £300m in client assets from embattled stockbroker Fyshe Horton Finney, which went into voluntary administration last week.
George Osborne's plan to encourage investment in smaller businesses by removing stamp duty on AIM stocks has been met with a mixed reaction.
The Budget was widely expected to be the most dismal for years, and the Chancellor duly confirmed the UK will miss latest targets for both GDP growth and public debt reduction.
Cyprus' plan for an unprecedented 10% tax on savers has been dubbed a "monumental error of judgement" by one commentator, but it does leave some assets looking attractive.
Premier's David Hambidge is expecting the FTSE to break through a record high this year, following an unprecedented start to 2013.