The lack of effective political leadership, combined with renewed fears about global growth, resulted in the retreat to perceived ‘safe havens' gathering pace in August.
Imagine you are a political leader tasked with solving the global economic and financial crisis. You are made aware of the severity of the systemic calamity at hand and told that time is short. What do you do?
Europe is at the centre of growing unease regarding the state of the global economy.
Henderson head of SRI George Latham believes we are building up ecological debt just as we accumulated financial debt in the past.
Many mis-selling problems arise from the failure to effectively communicate likely outcomes and the risks involved to the end investor.
Emerging market currencies fell sharply during September after holding up pretty well through August. Developing market exchange rates even lost ground against the euro, despite Europe being the focus of market fears.
Peter Meany, manager of the First State Global Listed Infrastructure fund, reveals the positive drivers for the sector in the months ahead.