India's new prime minister is "bold and decisive", but investors should not underestimate the deep rooted problems the economy faces, explains Roderick Snell, manager of the Baillie Gifford Pacific fund.
Cornelian's David Appleton outlines the impact of last month's package of ECB measures on currencies, bonds and equities.
This year's test for active managers has been the sharp sell-off in mid-cap stocks, as many managers focus on this area for stock picking.
There are three main actors driving the irrational behaviour we so often see in equity markets; company management, analysts and investors. Each group can fall into bias, but the circumstances and the types of biases are different.
When the FSA first announced its RDR in June 2006, its aim was simple: to ensure consumers knew exactly what they were paying for their funds, platforms, and advice.
High yield has caught everyone by surprise this year in two respects.