iShares has unveiled its inaugural UK range of swap-based ETFs, based on the multiple swap counterparty model, to provide exposure to India and Russia.
iShares has launched the first ETF providing liquid exposure to the European high yield debt market.
Commerzbank is due to launch ComStage ETFs in the UK for the first time next month.
Osmosis Investment Management has announced its climate solutions ETF is now quoted in sterling as well as US dollars on the London Stock Exchange.
Actively managed ETFs that aim to outperform a given benchmark need transparent and efficient servicing processes to be competitive, according to State Street.
Head of iShares International, Rory Tobin, has left the firm and Mike Latham has been appointed global head of iShares.
Several European ETF issuers will be able to launch ETFs on the S&P 500 index as of 17 May, when Standard and Poor's exclusive arrangement with iShares ends.
Markit, the financial information services group and index provider, has created the ETF Encyclopedia, offering information on exchange-traded products (ETPs) around the world.
Deutsche Bank has released an ETF providing exposure to euro-denominated corporate bonds on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Exchange-traded products (ETPs) tracking commodity futures can offer consistent returns and diversification benefits, industry experts say.