Barry Widdows, Head of Multi-Asset Portfolio Management at Prudential Portfolio Management Group (PPMG) invites us into the analytical environment and close working relationships involved in managing multi-asset portfolios.
In the hunt for yield, investors need to be creative - looking further afield for diversification and dividends. But one attractive, often overlooked market is Japan.
With tensions rising on the Korean peninsula, events in North Korea have been dominating the news and continue to cast a shadow on its neighbour, South Korea. What are the potential investment risks and opportunities for investors?
Yield hunters need to consider their chosen destinations carefully. On the face of it, dividend payouts look robust, but not everything is as it seems.
Watch our short video about the first enhanced income ETFs to launch in the UK and the approach we adopt.
Japan is a nation famed for its culture and traditions. Unfortunately for investors, this has often meant higher corporate savings and meagre returns. Now, however, governance reforms by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe could be changing this, as Japanese companies...
T. Rowe Price's Jeff Rottinghaus highlights the reasons behind his largest sector bets and some of his favoured stock ideas.
Many emerging market economies have strengthened, putting them on firmer footing for future growth. We believe valuations remain attractive but this asset class needs careful handling: investors should look for a quality-focused approach with risk mitigation...
Travis Spence, Head of the GFICC EMEA Client Portfolio Management team speaks on the JPM Global Bond Opportunities fund
The S&P 500 Tobacco index has out-performed the S&P by more than 1,000% over the last 28 years, creating significant investment returns for investors.