Investment Week digital edition - 1 July 2019

Latest edition of the print magazine online

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The latest print edition of Investment Week is now available to read online.

Click here to download the digital version of this week's issue.

This week's exclusive articles include: 

Revealed: Winners of the Fund Manager of the Year and Trailblazer Awards

Who reigned supreme in this year's ceremonies?

FCA: Regulator urged to reform liquidity definition in wake of crises

Industry still licking its wounds from Woodford fund suspension

LGBT+ awareness: How is the industry responding? 

Six managers iscuss the work they are doing to promote inclusion and diversity within asset management

Investment Conundrums: BNY Mellon's Shamik Dhar

"The UK economy is actually more flexible than a lot of people give it credit for, even in the event of a hard Brexit"

Martin Gilbert: Quantitative easing returns to the ECB

"History will probably judge that they (once again) tightened policy too quickly in ending their QE programme last year"
