Chatfeild-Roberts buys Woodford for Merlin portfolios


Jupiter's Merlin multi-manager team have added Neil Woodford's equity income fund to their portfolios as they back the manager's new project from launch.

The team, led by CIO John Chatfeild-Roberts, added the CF Woodford Equity Income fund to their £4.7bn Merlin Income fund last month. The fund has also been added to their £1.6bn Merlin Balanced and £1.9bn Merlin Growth portfolios. Investment Week understands Woodford's fund has seen continued inflows since the end of June, separate from the Chatfeild-Roberts purchase, and now stands at £2.2bn in size. Jupiter's Merlin team have also maintained their holdings in Woodford's former funds: In the flagship Merlin Income fund, Woodford's new portfolio sits alongside funds including his f...

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