Woodford trust falls into worst performers list in October

IT winners and losers for the month

Jayna Rana
clock • 2 min read

The £733m Woodford Patient Capital trust appeared in the top ten worst performing funds in NAV terms in October according to the latest research from investment company analysts QuotedData.

The trust, ran by star manager Neil Woodford (pictured), was down 5.1% for the month, making it the fifth worst performing fund in NAV terms in the investment trust universe. QuotedData research director James Carthew said: "A few of Woodford's investments have not come off as expected. This includes cat allergy vaccine company Circassia and the portfolio's largest holding clinical biotechnology company Prothena. "His portfolio is heavily weighted to biotech and this sector has been under the cosh with concerns around the impact of the outcome of the US election upon the sector." T...

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