FE replaces Woodford's flagship product with recently launched Income Focus fund in latest Approved List rebalance

Switched number of US products

Jayna Rana
clock • 2 min read

In the latest rebalance of its Invest Approved List, FE has cut seven names, including Neil Woodford's £9.2bn Equity Income fund, while adding 13 new funds amid a period of "significant uncertainty".

The data provider replaced Woodford's largest offering, which has been hit recently by several stock price falls, with the £726m Woodford Income Focus fund, launched earlier this year, as it believes it to be "better for income investors". Charles Younes, research manager at FE, said: "Income Focus does not include a long tail of illiquid unlisted companies, which we believe are not consistent with the aims of an income-focused fund." Revealed: The winners and losers in FE's latest Crown ratings rebalance; Woodford gains five Crowns on first rating Meanwhile, North American equitie...

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