AIC's Sayers: 'We have put one phase to bed and are ready for the next'

Tackling KIDs is 'key priority'

Jayna Rana
clock • 4 min read

As the investment trust sector's 150th year draws to a close, Ian Sayers, CEO of the Association of Investment Companies (AIC), has shared the challenges and trends he expects to see in what he believes will be an equally exciting year in 2019.

For Sayers, who has headed up the trade body since 2010, the main challenge and top priority on his to-do list for next year, is to get the European regulator to accept that Key Information Documents (KIDs) are a problem and "do something about it". The AIC has been vocal throughout the year with its criticism of KIDs, which were implemented in January as part of the new PRIIPs regulations, and the requirement for trusts to provide future projections of performance based on the last five years, with many coming up favourable even in poor market scenarios. AIC calls for suspension of '...

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