What do we know about the new FCA chief?

Andrew Bailey to take over in July

Laura Miller
clock • 4 min read

Andrew Bailey has been revealed as the new chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). So what do we know about him, and how could that shape his leadership of the regulator?

Andrew Bailey is a company man. He has spent three decades working at the Bank of England (BoE), climbing his way up to become deputy governor and head of the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA). He puts a lot of stock in the 321-year-old institution, in a way he does not with ever-changing financial services regulators. "You could have had the Archangel Gabriel running the FSA but it was only a 15-year-old institution. It hadn't got [the Bank's] standing," he told the London Evening Standard in 2014. His stance represents his experience. Since starting at the Bank in 1985, he ha...

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