Ninety One, M&G and First Sentier issued new fund ratings by RSMR

'Active' and 'Responsible' ratings

Valeria Martinez
clock • 2 min read

RSMR has added the Ninety One Global Environment, M&G Japan and First Sentier All China portfolios to its list of rated funds, Investment Week can reveal.

The fund research firm awarded the Ninety One Global Environment fund, which has £1.1bn in assets under management, the RSMR Responsible rating. The £355m M&G Japan fund and £53m First Sentier All China funds both received an Active rating. Ninety One's Article 9 environmental themed equity strategy, managed by Deirdre Cooper and Graeme Baker, seeks to invest in sustainable decarbonisation by identifying the global leaders in providing climate solutions. The fund benefits from a proprietary process working with environmental impact charity CDP to identify and quantify carbon avoide...

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