Ex-Scottish Mortgage director Amar Bhidé goes to FCA with concerns

‘Speaking to them shortly’

Eve Maddock-Jones
clock • 2 min read

Amar Bhidé, who left the Scottish Mortgage board last Friday (17 March), said he has presented the Financial Conduct Authority with his concerns about the trust's director selection process.

In a LinkedIn post, Bhidé said: "I believe I fulfilled my duty to stockholders by attempting to make public my concerns about the director selection process to the FT". He said had presented these concerns to the FCA.  He added: "I have provided evidentiary back up (the "paper trail") to the Authority and will be speaking to them shortly." The ex-director gave a scathing interview to the FT last week, where he made his concerns known, and called out the independence of the trust's chair Fiona McBain. McBain has since announced that she will be stepping down from the board altogethe...

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