Debt levels remain extraordinarily high, and UK growth is being driven by debt-fuelled consumption and the wealth effects of overheating residential property, says Miton's Eric Moore.
Is cash now the go-to asset? Leading investors are rediscovering its attractions as market valuations reach breaking point and inflation levels drop to historic lows.
Investment veteran Warren Buffett is running cash levels just shy of his career all-time high, after his company Berkshire Hathaway reported profits climbed 72% in the third quarter.
Spooked investors nervous about the outlook for major economies around the globe are buying record amounts of short-term assets.
Investment Quorum's investment committee is looking to deploy cash piles into the markets on its model portfolios as it urges clients to "be brave" and embrace opportunities found in market volatility.
Fund managers have increased cash positions significantly in the last month as investors scale back their risk-taking, a recent survey found.