The pace of the economic recovery in the UK has taken economists by surprise in the last year, prompting a number of upwards revisions for GDP growth.
Wealth management firms are making final preparations for the introduction of US tax regime FATCA as the 5 May registration deadline approaches.
Close Brothers has reported rising profits for the six months to January, with its broker arm Winterflood especially benefiting from improved trading conditions.
Close Brothers Asset Management has launched a new clean pricing structure on its self-directed platform, which will come in to operation on 10 March.
Close Brothers Asset Management investment director Riitta Hujanen is looking to US tech companies to continue the strong run they experienced throughout 2013.
Close Brothers saw its assets under management creep higher in the five months to 31 December 2013, while broker arm Winterflood saw performance improve.
Financial research group Defaqto has appointed former adviser network director Frank Potaczek to head up its insight and consulting wing.