The government is to move a step closer to selling its stake in RBS, with Chancellor George Osborne set to lay out plans for its privatisation in a speech next week.
Britain's foreign secretary Philip Hammond has echoed Bank of England Governor Mark Carney's calls for a 'fast' referendum on Britain's place in the EU.
The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has urged new Prime Minister David Cameron to undertake a 'fundamental reform' of Britain's relationship with Europe.
Ros Altmann is to be nominated as a Conservative peer and will be made a minister with responsibility for consumer protection if the party wins next month's general election.
David Cameron plans to offer up to £4bn worth of Lloyds shares to retail investors if the Conservatives win the general election.
Japan has dropped back into a recession, after GDP shrank for a second successive quarter.
The UK has been told to contribute an extra £1.7bn (€2.1bn) to the European Union's budget after the economy performed better than expected.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said the Conservatives will raise the 40% tax threshold from £41,900 to £50,000 if they win the 2015 General Election.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said there will be "no re-runs" of the Scottish referendum which saw a decisive vote in favour of the country remaining part of the UK.