An independent Scotland would be forced to write the rest of the UK a £143bn IOU for national debt, according to the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR).
The UK's borrowings have fallen to £95bn in 2014/15, undercutting previous expectations, the Chancellor has said.
T Rowe Price's emerging market debt team has cut back on its Iraq government debt position, in anticipation of renewed political turmoil in the country.
David Roberts has hiked exposure to emerging market debt in the £663m Kames Strategic Bond fund on the back of improving valuations.
In a surprise statement, Germany's finance minister has admitted Greece will need a third bailout package.
Martin Gilbert, the chief executive of Aberdeen Asset Management, has announced he is to resign from his role as chairman of beleaguered transport business FirstGroup, on the day the group also announced it is undertaking a rights issue.