Fixed income managers are warning parts of the emerging market debt universe have become considerably overvalued as a wall of money enters the burgeoning asset class.
A former employee of Lloyds Banking Group has accused the bank of artificially inflating its profits by almost £1bn through the use of aggressive tax-avoidance schemes and exotic "Lehman- style" offshore deals which he said amounted to false accounting....
RBS could buy back £10bn of debt in an attempt to boost its capital strength and its standing with bond investors.
Neptune's Rob Burnett has built up a 10% cash weighting in his European Opportunities fund and is continuing to position defensively in response to the region's recent economic concerns.
The Government borrowed £4.3bn in January, the first time there has been a budget deficit in January since records began in 1993.
European equities is not the most popular asset class right now and Greece's very public debt problems are an indication of why.
The UK's debt problems could be on a par with those facing Greece and Portugal, according to a former IMF economist.
The sharp rally in European equity markets appears to have run ahead of the fragile economic recovery but there still seems to be scope for further setbacks.
"One of the greatest disservices you can do a man is to lend him money that he can't pay back."
GAM has launched a Ucits III emerging market debt and currency fund, managed by Pharo Global Advisors.