Two Morgan Stanley funds among four to receive new certifications
Jenn-Hui Tan, Global Head of Stewardship and Sustainable Investing at Fidelity International, tells us why his team have built a distinctive ratings approach
Initially sought $105m fundraise
Jenn-Hui Tan, Global Head of Stewardship and Sustainable Investing at Fidelity International, tells us why Fidelity’s approach to sustainability starts with proprietary analysis and company engagement
The power of active engagement: As the most heavily polluting fossil fuel, coal should have no future in the global energy mix. Through active engagement, which is the cornerstone of our sustainable investment strategy at Fidelity and a crucial component to our role as stewards of client capital, we are continuing to play our part in making this a reality.
New social progress vehicle to cover wider remit
Incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into investment portfolios is quickly moving away from a nice-to-have to a must-have. What has driven this shift in recent years and can, and should, this also be part of your core allocation?
Anthony Kettle, Senior Portfolio Manager at fixed-income specialist BlueBay, offers his opinion
Palm oil production needs to change. Rather than staging a boycott, responsible investors should engage with companies across the supply chain to encourage the adoption of globally recognised certification standards.