Dirk Philippa to depart in March
Amid Richard Watts' departure
‘Uneconomic to operate’
We’re buying duration as these yields may not be around in a few years' time, say Kris Atkinson and Shamil Pankhania
Experts look to mid-year cuts
Christine Baalham and Tom Record resurface
Fixed income markets are approaching an inflection point amid signs of easing inflation and expectations of lower rates. As the impact of tight monetary policy edges the domestic economy towards recession, UK fixed income portfolio managers Kris Atkinson and Shamil Pankhania discuss why high-quality credit looks increasingly attractive to cautious income seekers.
Adjustment to a new environment
Chantalle Pelletier and Emma Haight join
Today’s investors face a challenging prospect of an oncoming recession and elevated market volatility, which may lead them to question their risk appetite and asset allocation. Against this backdrop, Fidelity’s fixed income team highlight the reasons why now is a good time to be allocating to cash in your investment portfolio.