George Osborne has announced a 25% levy on profits made in the UK by multi-national companies but diverted elsewhere.
The government is to scrap the existing 'single slab' approach to stamp duty on residential property purchases, introducing a new tiered charge from 4 December.
Chancellor George Osborne announced today that ISAs will retain their tax-free status when transferred after death.
Small businesses have had the relief on their annual business rates doubled for the next year.
The Office for Budget Responsibility has revised up government borrowing forecasts for 2014 and 2015 - but figures for the following years are lower than previously estimated, according to Chancellor George Osborne.
Lower tax receipts and other factors are likely to prompt a sharp upwards revision in borrowing forecasts at this week's Autumn Statement, analysts have warned.
The Treasury is to give savers more freedom over how they take a tax-free lump sum from their pension pot.
The UK's challenge to overthrow banking bonus cap plans has been rejected by the EU Court of Justice.
The government is to pay off part of the UK's First World War debt, as part of a redemption of bonds stretching as far back as the 18th century.