Billionaire investor George Soros has urged Western nations to support revolutions in the Middle East to gain allegiance with new-found democracies.
Investors in the top 10 hedge funds reaped returns of $28bn (£17.2bn) in the second half of last year alone, according to new data.
Hedge fund guru George Soros has bought a 3.5% stake in boutique MAM Funds through his company Quantum Partners.
The coalition government's emergency budget and harsh spending cuts risk driving the UK economy back into recession, warns veteran hedge fund manager George Soros.
A vehicle linked to hedge fund manager John Zwaanstra, a former protégé of George Soros, has emerged as the mystery buyer of a 5% stake in Gartmore.
George Soros, who has described gold's spike as the "ultimate asset bubble", has cut his holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust for a third quarter.
Billionaire investor George Soros has donated $1m in support of legalising marijuana in the stricken US state of California.
Investment guru Jim Rogers warns stock markets could collapse if the global recovery fails to reignite and is urging investors to turn to commodities.
The top 10 global hedge fund managers have earned more than $153bn for investors since they were founded, a third of the 7,000-strong industry's returns.
Billionaire investor George Soros donated $100m to Human Rights Watch, his largest ever gift to charity.