Follows Italy's Atlante fund
Following a volatile few months, four fund managers discuss their outlook for small caps in the US and the UK, and where they believe the best sources of growth will be in 2016.
In the latest monthly Investment Week podcast, Hermes' chief economist Neil Williams talks about the 2016 Budget, the threat of a Brexit and the implications for the UK economy.
With Mario Draghi extending the ECB's QE programme this month, and investors returning to US high yield following a number of recent sell-offs, managers tell Investment Week which areas of the credit sphere are likely to outperform in the coming months...
Compounding the gloomy outlook among investors is the ratcheting up of event risk. Brexit is looming largest, driving down sterling and threatening a period of sustained instability.
Iimpact of prolonged low oil price
Fund managers reveal telecoms, housebuilders and retail as some of the sectors they believe will be able to continue their strong run in 2016, alongside the trouble spots.
Stance remains Brexit should be avoided