Plunging energy prices have led to concerns over the future profitability of resource firms. But some high yield names can still thrive, argues Hermes' Ron Daigle.
What surprises will the post-QE era hold for investors?
Ratings agency FundCalibre has added six funds to its Elite Rating list after its inaugural investment committee meeting earlier this month.
China's plans to widen access to its A shares market for international investors have been held back, but rules are set to be relaxed soon. Hermes manager Jonathan Pines explains why he has been loading up on A shares in anticipation.
Hermes Investment Management is launching its first product for the recently launched multi-asset team headed by Tommaso Mancuso.
What are the best ethical investment opportunities?
Fund managers are urging caution following a dramatic week for investors, saying the traditional strategy of buying on market falls may no longer make sense.