Royal Mail shareholders have been richly rewarded so far, with gains of more than 60% on their investment. But is the game up for now, or should investors hang on to shares ahead of the group's results?
Seven of the UK's largest asset managers are teaming up to gather information on end investors' needs in a move which could trigger changes to their fund ranges.
Investec's Wealth & Investment saw operating profit leap 35% in the six months to 30 September after enjoying £400m in net flows.
Shell and HSBC are favourite ideas in £2.7bn Investec fund as gains lag wider market.
European Wealth Management's investment strategist Richard Stammers talks to Alasdair Pal about contrarian investing, how he views the UK market and the problems of accessing commodities.
Hawksmoor Investment Management has hired former Investec Wealth & Investment chief investment strategist Jim Wood-Smith.