Investment management firms' EMD heads at odds after country sees bonds downgraded to junk status.
Investors could be faced with a plethora of fund charging models post-RDR as well as higher overall costs and ‘premium' prices for a top tier of better performing funds or specialist mandates.
Investec's Alastair Mundy has warned against investing in UK banks despite historically low valuations, with the threat of nationalisation looming large over leaders in the sector.
Investec's Jacob Robbins has joined Premier Asset Management as lead manager of the Premier Global Alpha Growth fund.
Emerging market currencies fell sharply during September after holding up pretty well through August. Developing market exchange rates even lost ground against the euro, despite Europe being the focus of market fears.
Investec's Alastair Mundy has said investor irrationality is helping his investment process but has warned on corporate profitability.
The Active Managed sector has suffered from market volatility in the short term, but managers have held their nerve.
Emerging economies would face a systemic crisis if foreign investors, who own one-third of EM local currency debt markets, begin to pull out their cash, fund managers have warned.