Markets are at a major turning point which will see trading behaviour change dramatically for the first time in 25 years, according to MAM Funds' Gervais Williams.
MAM Funds' Simon Callow has changed the strategy on his Midas Balanced Growth fund to make greater use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and hedging.
MAM Funds is set to move four of its portfolios, including Martin Gray's £784m Special Situations fund, into different IMA sectors which better suit their investment mandates.
MAM Funds' Martin Gray (pictured) and James Sullivan, managers of the Miton Special Situations and Strategic portfolios, analyse key events in economies and markets in the first quarter of the year, and the outlook for a range of asset classes
MAM Funds is preparing to launch a global multi-asset income product for Martin Gray and James Sullivan.
MAM Funds has returned to the dividend register for the first time in four years, as it reported a £3.5m rise in cash on its balance sheet during 2011.
The UK will lose its AAA credit rating by December, MAM Funds' Simon Callow has said, after Fitch became the second ratings agency to place the economy on negative watch.
MAM Funds is introducing a non-trail commission share class across its fund range ahead of the Retail Distribution Review.
MAM Funds' multi-manager Sam Liddle is set to leave the group in the summer, and his two funds will be merged away into other portfolios.