Henderson's John Bennett has overhauled the Henderson European Focus trust, introducing more risk into the portfolio through active bets against the benchmark.
Numis Securities predicts established equity income investment trusts will be the main beneficiaries of RDR when it is implemented next January.
Japanese investment trusts' high concentration to small and mid caps has paid off, with the sector outperforming the open-ended space over the past year.
Cherry Reynard outlines the key differences between investment trusts and open-ended funds and asks what is behind the recent resurgence in the sector?
Ed Morse, head of investment trust business development at the F&C Group, provides all the tools you need to invest in these products.
Ever wondered how an investment trust discount works? Or what a split cap trust is? Kyle Caldwell runs through a glossary of all the key terms you need to know.
The battle between investment trusts and OEICs is long standing, but when it comes to cost, one side comes out on top, writes Kyle Caldwell.
Walker Crips is seeking regulator and unitholder approval to convert its entire fund range from unit trusts into OEICs.