The panel discusses the recession vs recovery debate and how the developed world and emerging markets are affected by the crisis
In the wake of this year's Budget, with the UK just out of recession and facing a possible hung parliament, advisers face an uncertain domestic economic outlook.
Cazenove Capital Management has appointed Simon Cooper to help build the SIPP part of its wealth management division.
A combination of ultra-easy monetary policy and quantitative easing has offered formidable support to the gilt market over Q3.
Investment Week features editor Joanna Faith talks with Rathbones' Bryn Jones and F&C's Adam Mossakowski about sector sentiment and the state of global currencies
This week's Conjecture panel debates whether current yields are bringing enough reward for the risks take and what issues managers in the sectors are currently facing
Both government and short-dated corporate bond yields have hit new lows against a backdrop of rising equity markets.
Corporate Bonds, for so long among the most secure asset classes, has seen doubt cast on its ability to guarantee returns as companies struggle to raise cash. How well equipped are corporate bonds to bounce back from this rare downturn?