It is more important than ever for funds to evolve according to the natural order of markets. The age of investment Darwinism has begun, writes Joe Roseman.
Bids to have lunch with Warren Buffett have topped $1.5m (£916,000).
Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffett has conceded he made a mistake in managing his executive David Sokol, who was accused of insider trading and resigned in March.
Warren Buffett, Bill Gross and UK fund stars including Jim Leaviss have seen their warnings on US treasuries proved right as S&P downgraded its outlook for US credit.
‘To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require stratospheric IQ, unusual business insight, or inside information. What is needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework.'...
The departure of Warren Buffet's ‘heir apparent' from Berkshire Hathaway shaved over 2% of the company's share price.
David Sokol, the man considered to be the most likely candidate to succeed Warren Buffett as chief of Berkshire Hathaway, has unexpectedly resigned.
Warren Buffett is eyeing businesses and large-cap shares in South Korea to tap into the country's growth, Bloomberg reports.
Warren Buffett has made one of his largest purchases to date after splashing out $9.7bn (£6bn) for chemicals company Lubrizol.
Warren Buffett has emerged as one of the biggest investors to be affected by Japan's earthquake and tsunami, with estimated paper losses of $150m from his investments in reinsurers Swiss Re and Munich Re.