2019 has been a stellar year for global bond markets, as weak global economic growth and low inflation have combined with ever more accommodative central banks to push global bond yields significantly lower.
Europe's stockmarkets are on average up more than 20% this year.
Passive equity products have become popular over the past decade as it has become easier and cheaper to track the performance of an index.
The major boost to global equity markets this year has been the 180-degree policy U-turn by the Federal Reserve, from tightening to loosening interest rates, and from quantitative tightening to the renewed provision of liquidity to financial markets....
The world’s economies are at different stages in the business cycle.
Financial technology (fintech) is fuelling a cycle of disruption in the financial services industry.
One of the more important developments in markets since the late 1990s has been the emergence of a negative stock-bond price correlation.
It has been hard to comprehend negative yields in Germany, let alone Greece.
The US dollar has performed well, up more than 7% since the end of 2017, and continues to enjoy a number of supports.
Hard currency (HC) and local currency (LC) emerging market debt (EMD) have already delivered 13% and 10.3% this year respectively.