Charlie Bean, the deputy governor of the Bank of England (BoE), said the Bank has sent a "clear signal" it will not increase interest rates anytime soon as he expressed surprise at investors' reaction to its position.
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) said it is continuing to receive claims in respect of the CF Arch cru funds, and has put the likelihood of a further interim levy for 2013-14 as ‘medium'.
Advisory and accountancy group RSM Tenon has conceded that, should an offer for the business be forthcoming from Baker Tilly, its high debts mean "minimal value, if any" will be attributed to its issued share capital.
Measures to increase confidence in the UK housing market could herald a new house price bubble, economists have warned.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has successfully challenged a stamp duty land tax avoidance scheme, protecting some £68m of taxpayers' money.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has added a further ten alleged tax dodgers to its ‘most wanted' list, as the department faced criticism for so far apprehending only one of 20 original fugitives.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has appointed four directors to lead key areas of its supervision division, with Nick Poyntz-Wright heading up its long term savings & pensions unit which includes oversight of wealth management services and investment...
Australian data and trading software provider IRESS is set to acquire adviser technology provider Avelo for £210m.
Legal & General (L&G) has signalled its intention to become a "major player" in delivering low cost passive investment solutions to UK retail clients as the group saw profits rise 13% in the first half of the year.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) successfully prosecuted more than 600 people for tax evasion in 2012-13, more than double the amount in the previous 12 months and well ahead of its target for the year, figures show.