Aegon UK made a loss before tax of £22m in the fourth quarter of 2011, dragged down by further redress payments following administrative problems at Scottish Equitable and a slump in life and pensions sales.
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) director responsible for remuneration has defended awarding chief executive Stephen Hester a bonus worth £963,000.
A firm has been fined £97,600 by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) for mis-selling unregulated collective investment schemes (UCIS), some of which have since wound up resulting in potential investor losses.
Twenty three awards and 24 winners, but only one Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee...
The government has once again turned down a request from an MP for an independent investigation into the Arch cru collapse.
Standard Life has successfully sued its professional indemnity insurers for around £100m to recover losses related to its Pension Sterling Fund.
The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) once again voted unanimously to maintain interest rates at 0.5% and keep the quantitative easing (QE) programme at £275bn in January, despite fears inflation may fall below target levels.
Bank of England governor Mervyn King last night backed calls for limits on boardroom pay, in a speech in which he also said the UK's economic recovery would be "arduous" and hinted at a further round of quantitative easing.
The Bank of England has proposed setting up an internal oversight committee to monitor and assess the processes employed in making financial stability policy decisions.
Bank of England governor Mervyn King has urged investors and public authorities to pay less attention to ratings agencies, which he said have often "rushed" to downgrade.