The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has confirmed a £60m interim levy for financial advisers and other investment intermediaries.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) spotted flaws with the Arch cru marketing literature and ordered changes before the funds' suspension, Treasury financial secretary Mark Hoban has claimed.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has censured Bank of Scotland for failings within its Corporate Division between January 2006 and December 2008.
Skandia UK has revealed plans to offer advisers the chance to co-brand the platform, as well as expand the range of services customers can directly access on its platform, amid a fall in profits.
The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has voted to keep the interest rate at 0.5%, marking three years of the record low figure.
HSBC could face criminal charges and "significant" fines in the US in the wake of investigations into alleged money-laundering.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) will allow advisers to continue to take trail commission after 2012 on fund switches within life policies set up pre-RDR.
The government has once again rejected a call to arrange an independent inquiry into the collapse of the Arch Cru funds.
Keydata founder Steward Ford is seeking to ban FSA staff who saw protected attorney-client e-mails from being involved in an investigation into the company.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has fined Santander £1.5m for failing to confirm to customers the circumstances under which its structured products would be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).