Allianz Global Investors has hired a specialist infrastructure debt team to establish an investment grade debt platform.
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has warned investors against dealing with clones of Morgan Stanley and Allianz International.
As political tension in Greece intensifies, managers discuss what would happen if the country were to leave the monetary union
Allianz Global Investors has today launched a range of four risk-graded portfolios, the Allianz RiskMaster funds.
Fund groups are scrambling to develop risk-rated propositions ahead of the RDR deadline at the end of this year, with major houses including Jupiter planning how to enter the space.
Allianz Global Investors is to launch a range of risk-rated multi-asset funds in response to growing demand for "outcome-orientated" solutions.
Emerging markets managers have tipped Russia to soar ahead of its EM peers in 2012, driven by higher oil prices, weak valuations and Vladimir Putin's economic reforms.