Absolute return funds have grabbed investors' attention as increased volatility drives them to look for absolute returns through all market cycles.
Allianz RCM's Walter Price is building positions in the service and cloud computing sector, in the view new companies in the sector have a competitive advantage.
Allianz Global Investors is to launch a Brazil fund, the UK's first actively-managed onshore Oeic focused on the country.
Allianz RCM's Michael Konstantinov has closed energy and commodity underweights as a result of rising prices.
Allianz RCM's Dynamic Growth to comprise high and low volatility asset classes, weighted 70/30 towards former
It may be one of the best explanations yet for why the global financial crisis occurred: genuine relationships got processed away in what became an industrialisation of the investment business, says Elizabeth Corley, Europe CEO of Allianz Global Investors...
Allianz Pimco manager remains overweight financials, believing the sector's bonds still offer best value for sterling fixed income investors
After 12 turbulent months for equity markets, top industry managers believe the worse is now behind them regarding dividend cuts
In an exclusive interview with Investment Week's sister title Credit, Pimco's chief investment officer discusses sovereign risk, regulation of the financial sector, and explains why Pimco no longer sees itself as simply the "authority on bonds"
Fund managers generated record net inflows in 2009, driven by strong investor demand for emerging markets.