This year has been characterized by very large swings in market sentiment for Japan equities. Increasing market volatility has coincided with short-term news linked to both comfort with and concern for the global cycle.
In the years prior to 1997, the countries known as the Asian tigers (Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand) experienced extraordinary economic performance along with macroeconomic stability.
Global emerging market investors often overestimate corporate growth potential and overpay for the comfort of quality
A fascinating new video reveals the contrarian nature of the team behind the Eastspring Investments - Global Emerging Markets Dynamic Fund. With behind-the-scenes footage, the camera catches up with a small, highly experienced group of valuation-driven...
Political stability crucial
Value stocks beginning to outperform
To begin her role in January 2017
Japan is out of favour, especially with foreign investors, and the market has sold down amid rising global macroeconomic concerns and volatility in returns. In particular, investors have shunned stocks where earnings are perceived to be cyclical or volatile...