Mark Burgess, CIO EMEA and Global Head of Equities at Columbia Theadneedle Investments, considers the potential impact on markets of electing Le Pen, and the volatile consequences that this would have on French assets.
Netherlands says 'stop' to wrong kind of populism
Kepler Partners' Pascal Dowling analyses how an already 'politically fractured' Europe will cope with a number of elections in the coming year and highlights the European-focused investment trusts positioned to capture the opportunities from a sell-off...
Previously issued similar warning about China
How are investors allocating to the US?
Added $4.7bn to 2015 earnings
Left-wing anti-austerity party Syriza has secured a commanding election victory in Greece overnight, setting the scene for a stand-off between the country and its creditors.
In 2014, Japan unleashed a radical stimulus package, fell back into technical recession, and saw a tentative economic recovery stalled by a dramatic sales tax increase.