American economist Jeffrey Sachs has urged investors to add socially responsible firms to their portfolios in 2015, as consumers become more aware of companies' social and environmental credentials.
US fund manager GAM has liquidated its underperforming GAM Star GEO fund run by Paul Udall after assets dwindled to under £10m.
Jupiter's £400m Ecology fund has added a second benchmark, the FTSE Environmental Technology 100 index, as manager Charlie Thomas proclaims environmental investing has "come of age".
Last month's Rio Earth Summit, written off as a disappointment by most, still produced encouraging signs for socially responsible investors, according to Jupiter's Charlie Thomas.
According to Pictet Asset Management, it is possible to identify slowly evolving tendencies - in demographics, the environment and society - that can be forecast with some confidence.
Allianz RCM's has reorganised its sustainability team including appointing a new manager to its EcoTrends fund.