The board of the £42m Jupiter Green investment trust has made changes to the vehicle's investment policy following a strategic review.
Skandia has given its Ethical fund an environmental focus in an effort to boost sales.
Any future increase in ISA limits could be exclusively reserved for green/low carbon ISAs, according to a new report commissioned by the Government.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a huge problem for investors in the UK, as BP shares are held in virtually every UK portfolio, either knowingly or, in the case of pensioners and endowment holders, perhaps unknowingly.
Green entrepreneurs and asset managers are attracting interest from family offices and wealthy investors keen to explore a different type of engagement with ‘real assets'. Meanwhile, bond issuers are getting behind the market as well
Martin Currie manager is seeking out 20%-25% on a reasonable investment horizon on his Global Energy vehicle one year on from its launch