Natural Resources vehicle beats sector average by 73.7% over past 12 months
As 2008 rolled into 2009, global investors were still recovering from the most traumatic of years, felt most acutely perhaps in emerging markets.
Noble-Nesbitt explains reasons behind the strong performance of both his funds
Fund management, like most other professions, is a process of trial and error, wherein the ideals you bring with you from apprenticehood must be shaped and honed in order to survive the realities. Dalton's Glen Pratt looks at how learning from past mistakes...
Thames River manager believes while fever pitch within peer group may be over, an elongated credit cycle means plenty of opportunities remain
Investec manager brings wider precious metals mandate into Global Gold, using other investments such as a physical platinum ETF to drive returns
A bottom-up approach with a thematic safety net has kept Gleeson's fund top over five years in the IMA Technology and Telecoms sector
A background in zoology and marine biology has informed Iain Stewart's patient and intelligent investment style - just don't go telling him that finance is a science
While the ambitions of a fund manager and the beliefs of a committed Christian might seem very incongruous, one fund manager at least sees things very sees things differently
It has, on the whole, been a positive time for markets, and enthusiastic investors have been rewarded accordingly.