Henderson Global Investors' chief executive Andrew Formica has warned the UK's credit rating could be put at risk by a Labour triumph at next month's general election.
International investors have begun selling out of UK gilt holdings on uncertainty over how Britain will manage its debt pile in the next parliament.
With less than four weeks to go until the general election, wealth managers and strategists give their view on how investors should be positioned.
Foreigner investors have been selling UK gilts at a faster rate than at the peak of the financial crisis in 2009, ahead of an unpredictable general election.
Neil Woodford has said next month's general election could mark the beginning of years of uncertainty for UK investors.
The stakes are high as the 2015 UK general election draws near. Labour's interventionist approach and the prospect of a referendum on EU membership are both causing concern, but which 7 May outcome would be best for investors?
Architas CIO Caspar Rock takes a closer look at the health of the UK economy and the risks posed by the uncertainty of the UK general election result.
Old Mutual UK Smaller Companies manager Dan Nickols has noted the "rich source of ideas" represented by the IPO market ahead of 2015's listing season.
UKIP has taken a second seat in Westminster after winning the Rochester and Strood by-election, adding to concerns over the outcome of the general election next year.