Evershed versus Duffield - coming to a computer console near you for Christmas. What about Modern War Fund Manager 2, on X-Box or PS3.
So, Bob Diamond thinks banks need to become ‘good citizens', which raises an interesting concept for any institution to deal with, particularly one with its roots in the Quaker movement like Barclays.
For anyone who works or lives in London, the Evening Standard is usually part of the daily commute home and for me the daily column, by financial editor Anthony Hilton, is required reading.
Just as all the anti-capitalist protesters were pitching up tents by St Paul's to protest against corporate greed, fund manager Gervais Williams was launching his new book.
This might be a sexist thing to say, but I don't really think Downton Abbey is a bloke kind of programme.
How clever are your clients? I am not asking if they have degrees or MBAs, more how sophisticated are they in terms of their understanding of financial products? I am guessing the answer is generally: "not very sophisticated".
One of the surest things in the markets at the moment is that the Bank of England will miss its inflation target of 2% and the governor, Mervyn King, will have to write a letter to the Chancellor.
"I have quite a short time horizon - I am only looking at the next 35 years." A wry comment from Jamie Cayzer-Colvin, chairman of new EM boutique Ocean Dial Asset Management, but one that is fundamental to investment.
It is beginning to feel like the 1980s again in the UK - tax the rich and ban page three girls - at least according to the Liberal Democrats.
"If you are going to panic, do it quickly," joked Hywel George from Integral Asset Management last week, as we pondered what was going on in markets. It was a different kind of discussion because we were joined by a real investor, that is, someone who...