Fund reaches three-year track record
Recognise boutiques and passive investing
Rhys Davies, fixed interest deputy fund manager at Invesco Perpetual and manager of the City Merchants High Yield investment trust, explores what the recent rise in yields in the high yield market means for investors.
In the second of a two-part series, Investment Week asks managers for their views on high yield following the sector sell-off in Q3 and how they are gaining exposure.
A wave of risk aversion hit high yield bonds in Q3. Here, fund managers give their views on the sector after the sell-off and where the sweet spots now lie for investors.
List includes a number of overseas trusts
Managers of bond funds have a reputation for being gloomy. Perhaps that is the price we pay for our repeated warnings about inflation, defaults and currency debasement, writes Artemis' James Foster.
Favours investment grade over HY
Toby Nangle, head of multi-asset at Columbia Threadneedle, says the team is looking carefully for signs of stability in three places at the "centre of the international financial market vortex".