Oliver Kelton has taken over as manager of the Waverton European fund as former manager Katrina Norris focuses on other parts of the business.
J O Hambro Capital Management's Clive Beagles has increased his exposure to domestic life insurers, which he believes have been ignored by the market since Prudential announced its doomed AIA deal.
J O Hambro Capital Management's Alex Savvides is adding UK domestic-focused companies in the belief the fears over the British economy have been overdone.
JO Hambro Investment Management is looking to market its absolute return portfolio to fund of hedge fund providers and believes it can capitalise on a lack of choice in the market.
J O Hambro Capital Management is considering a follow-up launch to its Global Emerging Markets fund this month, with a small- and mid-cap version.
J O Hambro Capital Management's Scott McGlashan believes the recovery of Japan's economy and stock market should continue in 2010, especially if the Bank of Japan eases monetary policy.