Commercial property may have regained some of the ground it lost since the Lehman Brothers collapse but it appears investor sentiment is cooling on the asset class.
Independent providers of structured products could see biggest threat to business model yet as sector comes under RDR spotlight
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has testified the central bank had no option but to let Lehman Brothers fail despite knowing it would have "catastrophic" aftershocks.
David Einhorn, the US hedge fund manager who publicly questioned the health of Lehman Brothers before its collapse, has offloaded the majority of his stake in F&C.
Former Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld believes the investment bank may have been able to survive if US authorities had given it the same assistance as its rivals.
When Lehman collapsed money markets froze, businesses went bust, interest rates were slashed and quantitative easing was implemented on a massive scale.
Some parts of the high yield bond market do not have all the default risk priced in, warns Invesco Perpetual's Paul Read.
Legg Mason's Mary Chris Gay has diversified the financials holdings in the $4.8bn (£3.2bn) Value trust she runs with Bill Miller after the fund's exposure to banks hit it hard last year.