Lehman Brothers is to sue JP Morgan Chase for billions of dollars of 'lost value'.
The beleaguered Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs boasted that it was making tens of millions of dollars of profits daily by betting against its own clients' investments, according to internal emails released by a US senator.
German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble has pleaded with his country's citizens to back a joint EU-IMF bail out for Greece worth up to €45bn (£40bn), warning that failure to act risks a financial meltdown.
M&G's £233.3m High Interest fund has powered ahead of Money Market sector peers over the past year after retaining exposure to floating rate notes hit hard during the financial crisis.
Private equity fund of funds, which delivered stellar returns from 2004 to the end of December 2007, are poised to resume their activity after the sector imploded following the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008.
Co-heads of fixed interest at Invesco Perpetual discuss the outlook for bonds and their plans for the newest addition to their fund stable
Chinese money supply and loan growth - at over 30% - is out of control.
Corporate bonds have recovered strongly over the last 12 months and we believe the recovery has further to run, albeit at a more moderate pace.
UBS is in talks with the Beijing municipal government on setting up a renminbi-denominated private equity fund as the Swiss bank looks to expand in China.